martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012


1.       I go to the park and(1) I play(2) tennis with my cousin and my uncle.  I am happy when(3) I win(4)When(3) I don’t win(4), I feel(5) sad but my cousin is happy.  When(3) we are tired, we go home
2.       I don’t like(7) to go to a bank because when(3) I am in a bank,  I feel (5)bored because(8) I like to play in my computer and I can’t(9) do it when(3) I am in a bank. 
3.       I travel to Germany (10)tomorrow and I want(11) to go with my sister but I don’t have(12) money because I don’t  have a job(13).  
4.       When I am in a church with my grandmother and my mother, I feel (5)happy because it is a beautiful place(14) and I can pray(15) to God(16)
5.       I can(17) read English but I need (18) to practice more(19).  I like English and I want(11) to learn more(19) words because I want to know(20) the meaning(21) of songs(22) in English. 
(1) Y  / (2) JUGAR /  (3) CUANDO / (4)GANAR / (5)SENTIR / (6)CASA / (7)GUSTAR  / (8)PORQUE / (9)NO PODER/ (10)MAÑANA/ (11)QUERER/(12)NO TENER / (13)TRABAJO/ (14)LUGAR/(15)ORAR/ (16) DIOS / (17)PODER / (18)NECESITAR/(19)MÁS / (20) SABER / (21)SIGNIFICADO/(22)CANCIONES

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